Adding Fade-In and Fade-Out Effects with FFmpeg

This is how to complete the adding Fade-In and Fade-Out Effects with FFmpeg on your computer. If you are using the FFmpeg on your computer then see how to use this to fade in and out with your audio file. I have added this below and you can see from there how to do this.

Adding Fade-In and Fade-Out Effects with FFmpeg

First you will need to download FFmpeg on this webiste and then take it from there. See also the article I wrote on the following – FFmpeg for Audacity Audio as well as FFmpeg Audacity.

Install FFmpeg: See the download link to download the FFmpeg on this website.

Next you will need to use the Open Terminal (or Command Prompt). S0 open your terminal or command prompt.

Step 3: Now you will need to navigate to the directory containing your audio file. Use the cd command to navigate to the directory containing the audio file you want to process.

Step 4: Run the FFmpeg command for fade-in and fade-out. You can use the following FFmpeg command to add fade-in and fade-out effects to your audio file:

arduinoCopy code
ffmpeg -i input_file.wav -af “afade=t=in:ss=0:d=3,afade=t=out:st=30:d=3” output_file.wav

Replace input_file.wav with the name of your input audio file and output_file.wav with the desired name for your output file. Adjust the parameters d (duration) and st (start time) as needed for your audio file.

Step 5: Wait for the processing to complete. FFmpeg will apply the fade-in and fade-out effects to your audio file. Depending on the size of the file and your computer’s processing power, this may take some time.

Step 6: Verify the output: Once the processing is complete, verify that the output file has been created in the same directory.


Lastly also see the Audacity Audio Editor as well as the Converting Audio Files with FFmpeg and Audacity.