DivX MPEG-4 Audio Compressor

Download the DivX MPEG-4 Audio Compressor or divxa32.acm here. If you are watching movies that have been encoded with Divx3. Then this codec is what you would need to watch all your movies. Many videos are created with the WMA sound format which cannot be recognized  by the mp3 codecs of any of the DivX versions higher than 3.

DivX MPEG-4 Audio Compressor

Most times your player wants to connect to the internet to look for the codec but never finds it as the codec does not exist. This codec solves those search issues.

If you are using a DivX codec 4 or later for playing DivX 3 content and you do not have the DivX 3.11 Alpha codec installed this is a tool that you might need. Some movies are created with WMA sound format which is unrecognizable by the mp3 codecs of DivX versions higher than 3. In such cases your player starts searching the net for the appropriate codec and never finds it. Because there is no such available for download. The only available appropriate DivX audio codec comes with the DivX 3.11 alpha codec installation pack (other repacks also). See the divxa32.acm.

DivXa32.acm. So now you’ve got an unique DivX 3.11 Alpha repack. This will install only the missing audio decompressor, will add an item in your audio compression manager. So for (for win 9x – control panel / multimedia / devices / audio compression codecs). Also an option for uninstallation from control panel (add/remove programs).

This is an advantage over installing the whole of the DivX 3.11 pack. Mainly because it installs its older video codecs which you do not need and it overwrites the registry and uninstall information. This in the end makes it impossible to uninstall the DivX 3.11 Alpha. Also the other later DivX codec version you might have separately. This may cause some undesired behavior of your codecs and media players. All you need to do for hearing the WMA sound of your movie is to install this pack. Finally also see the history of the DIVX codec as well as the DIV4 codec on this website.



DivX MPEG-4 Audio Compressor