
DownloadLameFE is another GUI for use with the LAME encoder which you can find here. LameFE is no longer being developed and you might want to consider a few other options. These are LameXP as well as LameDropXPd which is also on this website. The software was last updated in 2007 when Vista came out to market. The software has not been updated since then so it might not work on operating systems after the Vista release in 2007.


LameFE provides a number of commonly used audio file formats which you can use. It also uses information from the FreeDB. The software is normally used to encoding CDs into MP3 and then also into Ogg Vorbis, Wave Audio and also Monkey’s Audio which is not widely used. The software also offer analog audio CD playback which is good as well as having the ability for tag editing. Since the software makes use of  FreeDB it can also get CD information from MusicBrainz and batch processing which allows you to rip multiple CDs with multiple drives.

LameFE as stated above uses the Lame encoder which is also available on this website. The hardware requirements for the software is very low and it only needs about 3MB of website space. You can view other GUI interfaces for the Lame encoder. You can download the software below. See also the RazorLame software.


Download LameFE